Thursday, August 22, 2013

Essential Oil Shower Disks

You can have your very own spa experience in the shower at home. Just make this recipe for essential oil shower disks and place them on the floor in the shower. As the water and steam hit the disk, wonderful scents will be released. You will even reap a variety of therapeutic benefits depending on which essential oils you choose to put in you disks!

Here is the basic recipe:
1 cup baking soda
1/3 cup water (add slowly, as you may not need it all)
essential oils (your choice: lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon are some good starter options)

1. Slowly mix baking soda and 1 T of water at a time until you get a thick mixture.
2. Mix in approximately 15 drops of each oil (less for peppermint).
3. Use a mini muffin pan and line with paper liners or spray generously with coconut oil (I buy mine at Trader Joes)
4. Place in sun for 12-24 hours, until dry
5. Remove disks from muffin pan. You may leave the paper on or gently remove it before placing disk in shower.
6. Enjoy the headache relief, sinus decongestion or calming effect you will feel as you shower!

Just some of the benefits from aromatic use of the essential oils listed above:
Lavender-calming, headache relief
Eucalyptus-reduce inflammation of nasal passages
Peppermint-headache relief, sinus relief
Lemon-reduce mental fatigue, mood lifter

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